Want to know how you can provide a customized learning experience to help your child thrive?
The recent COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we approach education. Like many other parents, you may be questioning whether or not to send your child back to school in the fall. According to a national poll, 40% of parents say they are likely to continue home schooling after lockdown ends.
What options exist for a parent who wants to provide a well-rounded education at home, but also needs to work full time?
Enter virtual homeschooling.
What is Virtual Homeschooling?
Virtual homeschooling is a method of homeschooling that is totally delivered online, with all instructional delivery having been designed to support the learning and processing styles of the student.
Virtual homeschooling is teaching and learning through electronic means via technological capabilities and platforms.
You might ask--isn't this just like distance learning?
Unlike distance learning, virtual homeschooling provides a unique educational experience to engage the student one-on-one while leaning into their individual interests, strengths and learning styles.
Is Virtual Homeschooling the Best Option for my Child?
Answer the following true or false statements:
I have tried everything to help my child succeed in school, but nothing so far has garnered the results I hoped for.
I have a child who would thrive in a non-traditional learning environment.
I believe my child needs a personalized educational experience.
I have considered homeschooling, but need to outsource teaching due to the demands of my job.
If you answered one or more of the above statements as 'true,' virtual homeschooling may be right for you.
How to Get Started with Virtual Homeschooling
Eagle Life Learning Foundation can provide your child with a customized virtual learning experience.
We would love to chat with you and help you determine your next best steps. Click here to set up a free consultation.
Photo Credit: Oluwakemi Solaja on Unsplash