Q: My child is struggling in school. What do I do?
A: The first thing we want you to know is that you are not alone. Many parents have felt alone and powerless to help their children thrive in school.
In our last post, we pointed to identifying and utilizing a student's learning style as a means to tap into their own personal academic success.
In this post, we want to share a few things parents can do to help their children succeed in school.
1. Communicate with your child.
Ask your child about their school experience. Listen with an intent to learn rather than fix the problem.
2. Communicate with your child’s teachers.
Studies have shown that children whose parents are involved with their education typically experience a higher rate of academic performance. Aim to keep an open door of communication between yourself and your child's teachers. The goal of the parent-teacher relationship is mutual support of the student.
3. Seek out support for your child and follow through with the designated plan of action.
This tip applies mostly to middle school and high school students. There are many resources you can secure for your child, by way of tutors and other specialists to support their individual needs.
Not sure where to start?
We would love to chat with you and help you determine your next best steps. Click here to set up a free consultation.
Photo Credit: Bailey Torres on Unsplash