Q: How can I motivate my child to do well in school?
A: We hear often how frustrated parents are because they want to help their children succeed in school. These parents feel helpless as they watch their children lose interest and motivation.
Luckily, there are a few things you can provide as a parent to help your child make significant academic and personal progress.
1. Praise and affirmation.
The old adage sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me couldn't be further from the truth. Words are powerful--in fact studies have proven that words bear a major impact on a person's mental and emotional development. Children need daily words of encouragement from their parents and/or caregivers.
2. Interesting activities.
You can provide your child with opportunities to do activities that are of interest to them. You probably already know this as an adult, but when a person is not remotely interested in an activity, no amount of bribing or threatening will motivate him/her to do it. Your child is not excluded from this fact. There are many ways to engage your child and help them to learn.
Do you have a child who would rather watch cartoons than read classics? Introduce them to comic books.
Do you have a budding baker who could care less about math? Cakes can teach you plenty about measurements and fractions.
Do you have a child who is obsessed with video games? They may enjoy learning how to design their own games through coding and programming classes.
With a little out-of-the-box thinking, you can find endless options for enjoyable and educational activities.
3. Your presence.
You as a parent have a great opportunity to share in your child's learning experience. A good education is not confined to a classroom. What activities can you do together? Prepare meals together. Teach your child about finances. Read with your child regularly. Explore national parks together. There are many ways for you and your child to learn together.
A Word About Motivation
Motivation often varies from child to child. With a bit of investigation, you can determine which intrinsic factors motivate your child and why.
Need Help Figuring This Out?
At Eagle Life Learning Foundation, we believe your child is an individual and as such, needs a personalized educational experience in order to flourish academically and reach personal success. We can help you determine your child's learning style and multiple intelligences through individual screenings.
To find out more about how we can serve you, contact us for a free consultation.
Photo Credit: Suad Kamardeen on Unsplash